22 Mei 2011

Quote of the day

Don't cry over the past, it's gone.
Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived
Live in the present and make it beautiful

-Belinda Regina Visser-

3 komentar:

dePerta mengatakan...

yeah ^_^

We may be through with the past, but the past is not through with us

-magnolia 1999-

huwaa baru baca post nya miss Belz belinda sweet..ternya dapet award..
makasi dear

Sari Sulistiyo mengatakan...

tengkyu mb Belinda,,
pagi2 mampir dapet pencerahan ;D

Belinda | Myurbey mengatakan...

mbak desi : so ,lets move on for our future

mbak sari : senangnya quote ini bermanfaat hiihihih